Vivien Malloy

“Hard to write a ‘short’ statement about someone that you have known and admired for over 50 years.  Vivien Malloy is one of two women I call to wish ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’  My high school is walking distance from what was her smaller ‘edition’ of Edition Farm in Waccabuc Ny.  I rubbed horses for her when I worked for Mike Daggett in the early 1980s.

 Vivien is the consummate horsewoman. Fiercely knowledgeable with the elegance of a true lady of the turf.  Make no mistake, at 87 she absolutely loves to compete and win. She knocked the wind out of me when Riendo won at Aqueduct a few weeks ago!  She walks her own horses into the winner’s circle much to the horror of our staff and other observers, but I tell them that she’s handled more horses than all of us combined.

 Vivien is all about  family. With grace and class she considers all of us family as do her actual family members. ‘SheHero’ ? Absolutely!  I can think of nobody more deserving than Vivien Malloy.”

          Rick Schosberg, trainer

“From the moment I met Vivien Malloy on a visit to her Edition Farm, I was in awe of her grace, kind nature and extensive knowledge of all things horses. She can tell you any detail about any horse that has stepped hoof on her farm and is always eager to share her wealth of knowledge and experience. What is most inspiring about Vivien is her passion for horses and pure love of horse racing. I could go on and on about her dedication to the sport and how she makes sure every horse she breeds has a future even if it is not on the racetrack, but there are two particular examples that I feel really display Vivien’s love of the game.

I remember one time at Saratoga, Vivien, myself and some other friends had gone to the track at 6:00 a.m. to watch horses train. A few hours later at breakfast, I was thinking I could really use a nap before the Fasig-Tipton Yearling Sale, which would keep me working late into the evening. But, not Vivien. Her next question was should we go to the sales grounds and inspect yearlings? What horse activity could we do next? She was the eldest at the table, but her energy when it comes to horses surpassed the rest of us combined.

An even better example came just last fall. Vivien had gone to Belmont to watch one of her homebreds race and the horse raced poorly, finishing last. She called me the next day and said, ‘Oh Christie, I had the best day at the track yesterday.’ I was surprised, thinking she would not be in high spirits after a bad loss, so I asked, ‘Really, Vivien? Your horse did not race very well.’ She said, ‘Oh, yeah he was horrible, but Linda [Rice] won with a 20-1 shot, so I cashed a ticket and got to be in the winner’s circle!” Now, if that is not passion and enthusiasm for the game, I don’t know what is. Despite her own horse racing poorly, Vivien was just so thrilled to be in the winner’s circle supporting a friend and enjoying a good horse race. She has brought the level of passion and enthusiasm to the game for decades and we could use a lot more of that.”

          Christie DeBernardis, friend and TDN associate editor

“If I’ve learned one thing from my mother, it’s to commit fully to whatever you love if you want to be successful, even if only in your own mind. Mom was a true horsewoman long before she moved Edition Farm from the show jumping ring into the world of Thoroughbred breeding and racing back in 1986. She has brought that commitment to excellence not only to Edition Farm’s racing, but to New York State Thoroughbred racing and breeding as a whole.To borrow from another famous horsewoman, Vivien Malloy’s commitment to excellence, from the breeding shed to the backstretch to their post-racing careers, justifiably earns her the title of First Lady of New York State Thoroughbred Breeding and Racing!”

          Mark Malloy, son

“There is no doubt in my mind that my grandmother, Vivien, is a SheHero. Her unwavering dedication to her family, both two-legged and four, is one to be admired. It’s from her that I inherited my love of horses, and her passion for them was instilled upon me at a young age.

It has been her love and support that I have become the mother and the horsewoman I am. Pony rides, lessons, horse shows, races, polo – you name it – any where, any time, there were horses. Every horse she breeds – she follows. She is not just dedicated – she is knowledgeable and calculated. Some bets are good and some are not so good, but every up and down she processes with poise and grace. I strive every day to be as caring, dedicated, and composed as my grandmother, Vivien.”

          Caitlin Malloy Brennan, granddaughter

“My mother has a passion. She also has been blessed. She has been able to pursue her passion without any reservations or restrictions. Back in 1971 at 5 Chimneys there was a small shed that housed a tractor and from that small shed, my mother, with the help of many along the way, has created Edition Farm, one of the best stables in New York. I only know of my mother and the things that people in the industry say about her that confirm her unrelenting passion for horses and Thoroughbreds specifically. What owner do you know that will try and make every race that they have the most remotest of a relationship with a horse! My mom will always try and make the race in person. There is no replacement for being there as mom says. Seeing it on the TV doesn’t come close.

She has always been the type of woman who, although has the class of Princess Grace, would just as soon have her fingernails dirty and helping a horse with the delivery of a foal or mucking out a stall, etc.

Mom is generous to a fault and has always put her horses first. That is where her heart and passion lies.”

          Kenneth Malloy, son

“There are certain qualities that horse people recognize in each other. This is the glue that has bonded Vivien and I for the last 20 years. She is always dedicated to what is right for the horses, no matter what the cost, emotionally, physically or financially. They are her passion. She is always thinking ahead for her horses, from speaking about foals that haven’t even been conceived yet to where her racehorses will go when their career is over before they have even made their first start. I think when she looks at her foals she is already thinking about their job after racing, not just looking to the future, but considering the future in all her endeavors.”

          Annette Orlando, Edition Farm manager