Linda Gaudet

“It was June 1978 when I was dropped off at Delaware Park to work for Eddie and Linda Gaudet as a hot walker.  Eddie had trained a horse that my family bred named ‘Tons’ and won the NY Breeders futurity. I had years of farm experience but little racetrack experience. Needless to say it was a summer of learning and experiences that need not be detailed here.   Linda took me, a 17 year old Jewish kid from New York, under her wing. I secretly fell hard for her sister Lisa and tripped over many a shank and fly net to prove it. 

Fast forward to the present day. We both serve on our prospective horseman’s boards for years now. We frequently talk and text regarding ways to better the industry that gave us both so much. Linda, Eddie and their so-accomplished daughters, Gabby and Lacey, are truly the definition of racing ‘family.’

Linda is the epitome of strength, knowledge and compassion for our industry.  From foaling to racing to purposeful retirement for our horses, and representation of the backstretch community and their needs, I can think of no one more deserving of recognition than my very good friend (and family) Linda Gaudet.”

          Rick Schosberg, Trainer

“What can I say…she is an incredible woman. She is more than a just a “Mom” to Gabby and me, she is a business partner, financial advisor, cheerleader, and supporter. She spent years at my father’s side doing all the things she does for us now. 

She is on a number of different horseman and Thoroughbred boards. When anyone calls, she has the answer or solution and SHE gets it done. She has helped so many people on the backside and frontside with issues in health and safety, getting compensated for medical needs, things along those lines.

She has never wanted the spotlight and has always so graciously pushed us towards our achievements.”

          Lacey Gaudet, Trainer

“I truly don’t know how my mom does it all. She is the hardest-working woman I’ve ever known. She is up every morning at the barn every day helping Lacey with managing the horses, the team and the bookwork. She then goes home and takes care of the farm. She literally goes from 5 am until the time she falls asleep at night. She has been a member of the MTHA board since it started (I believe) and has been a voice for the people in Maryland racing. On top of all of that, she somehow still has time for everyone in her life. She answers all of my annoying phone calls (which happen at least 2 times a day, ha!) and has the answers to everything. Seriously, she is the human form of Google. She has always said that she wants nothing more in life than to see her two girls happy, and thanks to her…we are. 

She’s tough, there’s no doubt about that. All of my friends used to be scared to come over to our house when we were little because she’d make us do chores, but she also has the biggest heart. One thing I admire most about my mom, considering all of the professional and personal challenges she’s been through, is her grace through it all. Lacey and I can’t express how lucky we are to have such an incredible mentor and supporter for a mom.”

          Gabby Gaudet, Racing Analyst 

“An icon in Maryland, a very dedicated horsewoman and an advisory on horse racing on many levels.  Servicing in several boards, Linda is always mindful of good welfare and aftercare for our horse and has a heart of gold with backstretch employees in mind.  Linda has raised two successful and exceptionally talented daughters: Lacey, a respected horse trainer, and Gabby, a racing analyst with TVG. Linda now turns towards the future, looking for ways to make racing more fun and attractive to a younger generation of prospective owners and fans.”

          Bobby Lillis, Maryland Horsemen’s Assistance Fund, Inc.

“I want to be Linda Gaudet when I grow up.

I got to know her first as a reporter: for so many issues, she was the go-to person in Maryland. Equine and jockey safety, training, Maryland racing history: there was nothing I could ask that she couldn’t answer, nothing I queried that she couldn’t discuss at length.
Later, I knew her first as Gabby’s mother, and then as a peer and a friend. In Linda, I found a pragmatic activist, a staunch advocate for horses, an awareness of the inequities in the racing industry. I watched as she cared for her husband, nurtured and supported Lacey’s and Gabby’s career, and planned weddings without the man who had been by her side for so long. Despite sadness, she always finds joy.
Our professional relationship has become a personal one, one that I treasure. She is a pillar of our industry, an exceptional horsewoman, and, cliche though it may be, an even better woman.”
          Teresa Genaro, Journalist