Donna Keen

Along with her husband, trainer Dallas Keen, Donna Keen founded Remember Me Rescue in 2004. The non-profit 501(c)3 organization is Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited and “was formed by racehorse trainers and volunteers to assist retired and injured racehorses after their careers at the track are over.” 

Donna is easily recognizable in the mornings at Santa Anita and Del Mar on her snow-white Quarter Horse stable pony known as “Bridleless Wyatt.” A lifelong horsewoman, she credits horses with giving her life focus and direction and developing her passion for horse racing. 

“I can’t remember if we met because she liked my dog or because I liked her pony Wyatt, but I do know the day Donna Keen came into my life changed me forever. The definition of a tiny Texan, I was fascinated by her from the minute she said in her patented sweet southern drawl, ‘I’m Donna Keen, nice to meet you.’

 I had, of course, heard of her. The wife of trainer Dallas Keen and a trainer herself, she founded the Texas-based OTTB rescue Remember Me Rescue and she burst onto my consciousness at about the same time my awareness for better aftercare for racehorses did. I certainly admired her before I met her, but I loved her like a sister from the minute we met.

I can’t call it an unlikely friendship. Yes, we are different as city and country, but we share a love for the horses who we build our lives around and who we credit for all the good things in our lives. She’s seen me at my best and she’s seen me at my worst. I have never been met with an unkind word from her, though sometimes I know I probably deserved them.

She is a woman’s woman and nobody is more supportive of women in racing. Because of women like her, racing isn’t as “male dominated” as it used to be. Because of women like her, we know we can accomplish anything. Because of her, more of our beloved Thoroughbreds are and will be safe to live long and happy lives. Because of her I know I’m a better person, even if it’s just a little bit.”

          Margaret Ransom – Racing Journalist, winner of 2016 Stan Bergstein Award

“I have known and worked with Donna Keen for over 10 years.  She is, without a doubt, the hardest working person I know. Horses are her life and she has dedicated herself to their care and well-being before, during and after their racing careers are over.  Donna is a true SheHero, and I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this recognition.”

          Vicki Morgan –  Remember Me Rescue

“I have only known Donna for a short time (and I’ve never even met her in person), but her commitment to excellence and her dedication to the horses is something of legends. Not a single animal is without her careful attention and watchful eye- even from halfway across the country. Her literal soul is in this work and she never waivers. She does many jobs herself simply because she won’t settle for anything less than the best for the animals under her care, and she puts her heart 100% into everything she does- always for the good of the horses first and foremost. The care and consideration she applies to both her training program and Remember Me Rescue is overflowing with energy and inspiration – and it’s both a joy and an honor to be a part of the legacy she’s building.”

          Amy Moore, BSN, RN– Remember Me Rescue Adoption Coordinator

“Donna was one of the first people who helped me get a foot in the door in this industry, and that’s the kind of person she is. She is always willing to help, whether she’s helping horses or humans. But her heart obviously belongs to horses and over the years I volunteered at Remember Me Rescue, I was always amazed at how she interacted with the animals and the love in her eyes every time she touched a horse. She has dedicated her entire life to horses, spending her days both training racehorses and rehabilitating ex-racehorses. It’s rare to find someone with a passion so deep and a heart so dedicated.”

          Mary Cage – Nexxus Racing Club/Herringswell Stables

For more about Remember Me Rescue, follow the link below: